B23-CTS-201 Object Oriented Programming using C++
Part A – Introduction | |||
Subject | BCA | ||
Semester | II | ||
Name of the Course | Object Oriented Programming using C++ | ||
Course Code | B23-CAP-201 (Common with B23-CAI-201, B23-CDS- 201, B23-CTS-201) | ||
Course Type: (CC/MCC/MDC/CC- M/DSEC/VOC/DSE/PC/AEC/ VAC) | CC | ||
Level of the course (As per Annexure-I | 200-299 | ||
Pre-requisite for the course (if any) | B23-CAP-101 | ||
Course Learning Outcomes(CLO): | After completing this course, the learner will be able to:
1. learn the input/output statements and functions in C++. 2. get familiar with OOPS concepts along with constructors and destructors in C++ language. 3. Learn the various concepts of operator overloading and inheritance. 4. get familiar with concepts of virtual functions and exception handling in C++ language.
5*. to implement the programs based on various concepts of C++. |
Credits | Theory | Practical | Total |
3 | 1 | 4 | |
Contact Hours | 3 | 2 | 5 |
Max. Marks:100(70(T)+30(P))
Internal Assessment Marks:30(20(T)+10(P)) End Term Exam Marks: 70(50(T)+20(P)) |
Time: 3 Hrs.(T), 3Hrs.(P) | ||
Part B- Contents of the Course | |||
Instructions for Paper-Setter
The examiner will set a total of nine questions. Out of which, the first question will be compulsory. The remaining eight questions will be set from four units selecting two questions from each unit. The examination will be of three-hour duration. All questions will carry equal marks. The first question will comprise short answer-type questions covering the entire syllabus. The candidate will have to attempt five questions, selecting one from each unit. First |
question will be compulsory.
The practicum will be evaluated by an external and an internal examiner. The examination will be of three-hour duration. |
Unit | Topics | Contact Hours | |
I | Input Output in C++: Unformatted and Formatted I/O Operations. I/O using insertion and extraction operators and streams in C++.
Functions: Declaration and Definition, return values, arguments, passing parameters by value, call by reference, call by pointer, Recursion, Inline Functions, Function overloading. Pointers, structures, and union in C++. |
10 | |
II | Object-oriented features of C++: Class and Objects, Data hiding & encapsulation, abstraction, Data Members and Member Functions, accessing class members, empty class, local class, global class, Scope Resolution Operator and its Uses, Static Data Members, Static Member Functions, Structure vs Class, Friend function and friend class.
Constructors and Destructors: Constructors, Instantiation of objects, Default constructor, Parameterized constructor, Copy constructor and its use, Destructors, Dynamic initialization of objects. |
10 | |
III | Operator Overloading: Overloading unary and binary operators: arithmetic operators, manipulation of strings using operators.
Inheritance: Derived class, base class, Accessing the base class member, Inheritance: multilevel, multiple, hierarchical, hybrid; Virtual base class, Abstract class. |
10 | |
IV | Virtual Functions, pure virtual functions; Polymorphism & its types
Exception Handling in C++: exception handling model, exception handling constructs – try, throw, catch, Order of catch blocks, Catching all exceptions, Nested try blocks, handling uncaught exceptions. |
10 | |
V* | Practicum:
Students are advised to do laboratory/practical practice not limited to but including the following types of problems: · Write a C++ program to print the following lines: · Your introduction · Your institute introduction · Write a program that accepts principle, rate, and time from the user and prints the simple interest. · Write a program to swap the values of two variables. · Write a program to check whether the given number is even or odd (using ?: ternary operator). · Write a program to check whether the given number is positive or negative (using?: ternary operator). · Write a program that inputs three numbers and displays the largest number using the ternary operator. · WAP to initialize data members of the class using the constructor. · Pass values to the constructor and initialize the members of that class to those values. · Create a class called cube with the data members Length, Breadth, Height · Members functions: · To accept the details. · To calculate the volume of the cube. · To display the details. · WAP to calculate the sum using constructor overloading. · WAP to demonstrate the use of destructor. · Create a C++ Program to show the order of constructor and destructor. · C++ Program to Find the Number of Vowels, Consonants, Digits, and White Spaces in a String · C++ Program to Multiply Two Matrices by Passing Matrix to Function · Increment ++ and Decrement — Operator Overloading in C++ Programming · C++ Program to Add Two Complex Numbers · C++ Program to Show Function Overriding · C++ Program to Show Polymorphism in Class · C++ Program to Show Function Overloading · C++ Program to Show Inheritance |
25 | |
Suggested Evaluation Methods | |||
Internal Assessment:
➢ Theory · Class Participation: 5 · Seminar/presentation/assignment/quiz/class test etc.: 5 · Mid-Term Exam: 10 ➢ Practicum · Class Participation: 5 · Seminar/Demonstration/Viva-voce/Lab records etc.: 5 · Mid-Term Exam: NA |
End-Term Examination: A three-hour exam for both theory and practicum.
End Term Exam Marks: 70(50(T)+20(P)) |
Part C-Learning Resources | |||
Recommended Books/e-resources/LMS:
· Herbert Scildt, C++, The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw-Hill · Robert Lafore, Object Oriented Programming in C++, SAMS Publishing · Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, Pearson Education · Balaguruswami, E., Object Oriented Programming In C++, Tata McGraw-Hill. · Richard Johnson, An Introduction to Object-Oriented Application Development, Thomson Learning. |
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