- Class Coordinator: Swati Verma
- Lectures: 36
- Students: 120
Categories: Computer Application
Master of Computer Applications, is a postgraduate degree programme which focuses on computer applications, computer science and programming languages.
Lecture 2.1M24-CAP-101 Client Side Web Technology
Lecture 2.2M24-CAP-102 Operating System & Linux
Lecture 2.3M24-CAP-103 Data Structure
Lecture 2.4M24-CAP-104 Programming in Java
Lecture 2.5M24-CAP-105 Practical -1
Lecture 2.6M24-CAP-106 Practical -2
Lecture 2.7Bridge Course (MCA-BC- 23-11 Computer Fundamentals and Problem Solving Through C)
Lecture 3.1MCA-20-21: Web Technologies
Lecture 3.2MCA-20-22: Linux and Shell Programming
Lecture 3.3MCA-20-23: Advanced Data Base Systems
Lecture 3.4MCA-20-24(i): Principles of Programming Languages
Lecture 3.5MCA-20-24 (ii) :High Performance Networks
Lecture 3.6MCA-20-24(iii): Compiler Design
Lecture 3.7MCA-20-25(i): Theory of Computation
Lecture 3.8MCA-20-25 (ii): Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Lecture 3.9MCA-20-25 (iii): Security in Computing
Lecture 3.10Bridge Course (MCA-BC- 23-21 Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science)
Lecture 4.1MCA-20-31: Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing
Lecture 4.2MCA-20-32: Data Mining and Integration using R
Lecture 4.3MCA-20-33: Artificial Intelligence
Lecture 4.4MCA-20-34 (i): Cloud Computing and IoT
Lecture 4.5MCA-20-34(ii): Cyber Security
Lecture 4.6MCA-20-34 (iii): Digital Marketing
Lecture 4.7MCA-20-35(i) Advances in JAVA
Lecture 4.8MCA-20-35 (ii):Advanced Web Technologies
Lecture 4.9MCA-20-35(iii): Programming with Kotlin
Lecture 5.1MCA-20-41: Big Data and Pattern Recognition
Lecture 5.2MCA-20-42:Computer Graphics and Animation
Lecture 5.3MCA-20-43: Mobile Application Development
Lecture 5.4MCA-20-44(i): Soft Computing
Lecture 5.5MCA-20-44(ii): Machine Learning
Lecture 5.6MCA-20-44 (iii): Digital Image Processing
Lecture 5.7MCA-20-45 (i): Optimization Techniques
Lecture 5.8MCA-20-45(ii): Information Systems
Lecture 5.9MCA-20-45 (iii): Blockchain Technology