B23-BBA-201 Business Statistics
Part A – Introduction | |||
Subject | Business Administration | ||
Semester | II | ||
Name of the Course | Business Statistics | ||
Course Code | B23-BBA-201 | ||
Course Type:
CC-A2 | ||
Level of the course (As per
Annexure-I |
Foundation-Level | ||
Pre-requisite for the course (if any) | None | ||
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): | After completing this course, the learner will be able to: 1. Understand the meaning of the statistics and data in everyday life and its presentation for business decision making.
2. Understand distinctive features and characteristics of data with the help of descriptive and summary statistical measures. 3. Understand and analyses the departure from statistical normality of data for better business decision making. 4. Understand the significance of sampling in the statistical data collection and applications in business decision making. ____________________________________________ 5*. |
Credits | Theory | Practical | Total |
4 | 0 | 4 | |
Contact Hours | 60 | 0 | 60 |
Max. Marks: 100
Internal Assessment Marks: 30 End Term Exam Marks: 70 |
Time: 3 Hours |
Part B- Contents of the Course | |||
Instructions for Paper- Setter
The Paper-Setter shall set nine questions in all and the question paper shall be divided into two parts. Part ‘A’ shall comprise four short answer type questions from the whole of the syllabus carrying 3.5 marks each, which shall be compulsory. Part ‘B’ shall comprise eight questions (two questions from each unit) carrying 14 marks each and the student will be required to attempt four questions selecting one question from each unit. |
Unit | Topics | Contact
Hours |
I | Business Statistics: Introduction, Scope, Functions, Importance, Limitations; Distrust of Statistics; Collection of Primary and Secondary data; Types of Statistical Methods; Data Analysis and Interpretation; Graph: Characteristics, Types, Merits and Demerits. | 15 | |
II | Measures of Central Tendency: Meaning, Types; Arithmetic Mean; Geometric Mean; Harmonic Mean; Quadratic Mean; Moving Average; Progressive Average; Relation between Mean, Median and mode. | 15 | |
III | Measures of Dispersion and Skewness: Absolute and Relative measures of Dispersion range, Quartile deviation, Mean and Standard Deviation; Difference between Skewness and Dispersion, Empirical relation among various measures of Dispersion, Moments and Kurtosis. | 15 | |
IV | Sampling: Introduction, Census versus Sample, Errors in Sampling, Types of sampling, Judging reliability of sample; Index numbers: Introduction, Types of Index Numbers, Methods of constructing Index numbers, uses of Index numbers; Time Series analysis: Components and Seasonality analysis. | 15 | |
V* | |||
Suggested Evaluation Methods | |||
Internal Assessment:
➢ Theory ● Class Participation: 5 ● Seminar/presentation/assignment/quiz/class test etc.: 10 ● Mid-Term Exam: 15 ➢ Practicum ● Class Participation: ● Seminar/Demonstration/Viva-voce/Lab records etc.: ● Mid-Term Exam: |
End Term Examination: 70 |
Part C-Learning Resources |
Recommended Books/e-resources/LMS:
1. D. N Elhance, Veena Elhance & BM Aggarwal. Fundamentals of Statistics. Kitab Mahal. 2. T.N Srivastava and Shailaja Rego. Statistics for Management. McGraw Hill. 3. S.C Gupta. Fundamental of Statistics. Himalaya Publishing House. 4. Levine & Rubin. Statistics for Management. Pearson Publication. 5. S.P Gupta. Statistical Methods. Sultan Chand & Sons. |