Semester-1 8/8
Lecture 1.1B23-BBA-101 Financial AccountingPreview
Lecture 1.2B23-BBA-102 Principles of ManagementPreview
Lecture 1.3B23-BBA-103 Business OrganisationPreview
Lecture 1.4B23-BBA-104 Business MathematicsPreview
Lecture 1.5B23-CAC-104 Fundamentals of Computer SciencePreview
Lecture 1.6B23-AEC-111 English Language and Communication: Level-1Preview
Lecture 1.7B23-SEC-101 Office and Spreadsheet Tools LearningPreview
Lecture 1.8B23-VAC-201 Environmental StudiesPreview
Semester-2 7/7
Lecture 2.1B23-BBA-201 Business StatisticsPreview
Lecture 2.2B23-BBA-202 Managerial EconomicsPreview
Lecture 2.3B23-BBA-203 Organisational BehaviourPreview
Lecture 2.4B23-BBA-204 Business Mathematics-II
Lecture 2.5B23-CAC-204 Web Technologies FundamentalsPreview
Lecture 2.6B23-AEC-211 English Language and Communication: Level-2Preview
Lecture 2.7B23-VAC-101 Human Values and EthicsPreview
Semester-3 7/7
Lecture 3.1B23-BBA-301 Managerial AccountingPreview
Lecture 3.2B23-BBA-302 Marketing ManagementPreview
Lecture 3.3B23-BBA-303 Human Resource ManagementPreview
Lecture 3.4B23-BBA-304 Production ManagementPreview
Lecture 3.5B23-CAC-304 Programming with CPreview
Lecture 3.6B23-AEC-311 English Language and Communication: Level-3Preview
Lecture 3.7B23-SEC-310 Communication in Professional LifePreview
Semester-4 4/4
Semester-5 4/4
Semester-6 3/3
B23-SEC-310 Communication in Professional Life
Nomenclature of the Course: Communication in Professional Life
Course Code: B23-SEC-310
Course Type: SEC-3
Level of the Course: 100-199
Credits: 3 (2 Theory, 1 Tutorial/Composition) Total Marks: 75
Internal Assessment Marks: 25
End Term Exam Marks: 50
Exam Time: 3 hrs.
Workload: Theory 2 hours composition 1 hour
Course Learning Outcomes:
After the successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
310.1 The students will be able to communicate effectively in English in professional
310.2 They will be able to frame different kinds of sentences.
310.3 They will learn professional communication skills.
310.4 They will learn the basics of grammar and composition.
Contents of the Course:
Unit I
• Communication: Importance and its Purpose
• Strategies For Effective Communication
• Essentials of Good Communication
• Significance of Body Language in Communication
Unit II
• Noun Clauses, Adverb Clauses, Relative Clauses
• Sentence and its types
Unit III
• Group Discussion
• Job Interviews
• Resume Writing
• Effective Business Meetings: Preparing Agenda, Summarizing key ideas and
Unit IV
• Formal E-mail Writing
• Notice Writing
• Press Release (Business Related)
• Business Reports
Suggested Readings:
John Eastwood. Oxford Guide to English Grammar. (Oxford University Press, 1994).
Martin Hewings. Advanced Grammar in Use. (Cambridge University press, 1999)
Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use (with CD- Rom). Cambridge University Press.
Scot Ober. Contemporary Business Communication. Cengage Learning
RC Bhatia. Business Communication. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
R.C. Sharma and Krishna Mohan. Business Communication and Report Writing. Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2006.
Scheme of Examination:
Note: All questions are compulsory having equal marks.
Q. 1 This question will be compulsory having 8 short answers type questions having 2
from each section. Students will be required to attempt any 5 in about 30 words each.
5x 2=10
Q:2 This question will have 4 parts based on Unit I. The student shall attempt 2 parts out of
given 4. 2×5=10
Q. 3. There will be 15 grammatical items based on Unit II. The student shall attempt
any 10 items. 10
Q. 4 This question with internal choice shall be based on Unit III. The student shall
attempt one question out of two. 10
Q:5 This question with internal choice shall be based on unit IV. The student shall attempt
one question out of given two. 10
Evaluation of Internal Assessment
Internal assessment will be based on the following components:
(vii) Class participation 5 marks
(viii) Assignments/Presentations 5 marks
(ix) Mid Term Exam: 15 marks
Total Marks 25 marks