Semester-1 8/8
Lecture 1.1B23-BBA-101 Financial AccountingPreview
Lecture 1.2B23-BBA-102 Principles of ManagementPreview
Lecture 1.3B23-BBA-103 Business OrganisationPreview
Lecture 1.4B23-BBA-104 Business MathematicsPreview
Lecture 1.5B23-CAC-104 Fundamentals of Computer SciencePreview
Lecture 1.6B23-AEC-111 English Language and Communication: Level-1Preview
Lecture 1.7B23-SEC-101 Office and Spreadsheet Tools LearningPreview
Lecture 1.8B23-VAC-201 Environmental StudiesPreview
Semester-2 7/7
Lecture 2.1B23-BBA-201 Business StatisticsPreview
Lecture 2.2B23-BBA-202 Managerial EconomicsPreview
Lecture 2.3B23-BBA-203 Organisational BehaviourPreview
Lecture 2.4B23-BBA-204 Business Mathematics-II
Lecture 2.5B23-CAC-204 Web Technologies FundamentalsPreview
Lecture 2.6B23-AEC-211 English Language and Communication: Level-2Preview
Lecture 2.7B23-VAC-101 Human Values and EthicsPreview
Semester-3 7/7
Lecture 3.1B23-BBA-301 Managerial AccountingPreview
Lecture 3.2B23-BBA-302 Marketing ManagementPreview
Lecture 3.3B23-BBA-303 Human Resource ManagementPreview
Lecture 3.4B23-BBA-304 Production ManagementPreview
Lecture 3.5B23-CAC-304 Programming with CPreview
Lecture 3.6B23-AEC-311 English Language and Communication: Level-3Preview
Lecture 3.7B23-SEC-310 Communication in Professional LifePreview
Semester-4 4/4
Semester-5 4/4
Semester-6 3/3
B23-BBA-102 Principles of Management
Part A – Introduction | |||
Subject | Business Administration | ||
Semester | I | ||
Name of the Course | Principles of Management | ||
Course Code | B23-BBA-102 | ||
Course Type:
CC-B1 | ||
Level of the course (As per
Annexure-I |
Foundation-Level | ||
Pre-requisite for the course (if any) | None | ||
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): | After completing this course, the learner will be able to: 1. Understand the Nature and Evolution of Management. 2. Apply the Managerial skills and roles at workplace. 3. Apprehend the functions of Management
4. Recognize the latest changes in the field of Management. ____________________________________________ 5*. |
Credits | Theory | Practical | Total |
4 | 0 | 4 | |
Contact Hours | 60 | 0 | 60 |
Max. Marks: 100
Internal Assessment Marks: 30 End Term Exam Marks: 70 |
Time: 3 Hours |
Part B- Contents of the Course | |||
Instructions for Paper- Setter
The Paper-Setter shall set nine questions in all and the question paper shall be divided into two parts. Part ‘A’ shall comprise four short answer type questions from the whole of the syllabus carrying 3.5 marks each, which shall be compulsory. Part ‘B’ shall comprise eight questions (two questions from each unit) carrying 14 marks each and the student will be required to attempt four questions selecting one question from each unit. |
Unit | Topics | Contact
Hours |
I | Introduction to Management: Concept, Evolution of Management Thought, Functions, Significance, Managerial Roles & Skills; Planning and Decision Making: Concept, Planning Process, Components of Plans. | 15 | |
II | Organizing: Concept, Guiding Principles, Types of organizational structure: Line, Functional, Line & Staff relationship, Delegation of Authority: Meaning and elements of Delegation, Centralization Vs Decentralization. | 15 | |
III | Staffing – Nature and Meaning, Importance, Steps; Directing: Elements, Principles and Importance. | 15 | |
IV | Communication: Meaning, Process, Barriers, Corrective Measures; Communication networks, Controlling: Concept, Importance, Process of controlling, Control Techniques. | 15 | |
V* | |||
Suggested Evaluation Methods | |||
Internal Assessment:
➢ Theory ● Class Participation: 5 ● Seminar/presentation/assignment/quiz/class test etc.: 10 ● Mid-Term Exam: 15 ➢ Practicum ● Class Participation: ● Seminar/Demonstration/Viva-voce/Lab records etc.: ● Mid-Term Exam: |
End Term Examination: 70 |
Part C-Learning Resources |
Recommended Books/e-resources/LMS:
1. Koontz & Weirich. Essentials of Management. Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Kaul Vijay Kumar. Business Organization & Management – Text and Cases. Pearson. 3. Robbins. Fundamentals of Management: Essentials Concept and Applications. Pearson Education. |