BCA-NEP-Examination-Scheme 1/1
Semester-1 8/8
Lecture 2.1B23-CAP-101 Problem Solving through CPreview
Lecture 2.2B23-CAP-102 Foundations of Computer SciencePreview
Lecture 2.3B23-CAP-103 Logical Organization of ComputerPreview
Lecture 2.4B23-CAP-104 Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science-IPreview
Lecture 2.5B23-BBA-MDC-102 Social Media MarketingPreview
Lecture 2.6B23-AEC-111 English Language and Communication Skills: Level 1Preview
Lecture 2.7B23-SEC-101 Office and spreadsheet Tools LearningPreview
Lecture 2.8B- VAC 101 Human Values and EthicsPreview
Semester-2 8/8
Lecture 3.1B23-CAP-201 Object Oriented Programming using C++Preview
Lecture 3.2B23-CAP-202 Introduction to Web TechnologiesPreview
Lecture 3.3B23-CAP-203 Concepts of Operating SystemsPreview
Lecture 3.4B23-CAP-204 Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science-IIPreview
Lecture 3.5B23-BBA-MDC-204 Entrepreneurship & Start-upsPreview
Lecture 3.6B23-SEC-207 Soft SkillsPreview
Lecture 3.7B23-VAC-201 Environmental StudiesPreview
Lecture 3.8B23-AEC-211 English Language and Communication Skills: Level 2Preview
Semester-3 7/7
Lecture 4.1B23-CAP-301 Java OOP FoundationsPreview
Lecture 4.2B23-CAP-302 Linux and Shell ProgrammingPreview
Lecture 4.3B23-CAP-303 Data Base TechnologiesPreview
Lecture 4.4B23-CAP-304 Basics of Data Science using ExcelPreview
Lecture 4.5B23-SEC-310 Communication in Professional LifePreview
Lecture 4.6B23-AEC-311 English Language and Communication Skills: Level 3Preview
Lecture 4.7B23-BBA-MDC-302 Fundamentals of InvestingPreview
Semester-4 4/4
Semester-5 3/3
Semester-6 6/6
BCA-NEP Semester-6 syllabus uploaded soon. This is the old syllabus of BCA.
Lecture 7.1BCA-361: Web Designing Using Advanced ToolsPreview
Lecture 7.2BCA-362: Operating System-IIPreview
Lecture 7.3BCA-363: Computer GraphicsPreview
Lecture 7.4BCA-364: Internet TechnologiesPreview
Lecture 7.5BCA-365: Advanced Programming with Visual BasicPreview
Lecture 7.6BCA-366: Programming in Core JavaPreview
B23-AEC-111 English Language and Communication Skills: Level 1
Nomenclature of the Course: English Language and Communication Skills: Level 1
Course Code: B23-AEC-111
Course Type: AEC-1
Level of the Course: 100-199
Credits: 2 (Theory 2) Total Marks: 50
End Term Exam Marks: 35 Internal Assessment Marks: 15
Exam Time: 3 Hrs.
Workload: Theory 2 hours
Course Learning Outcomes:
After the successful completion of the course the student will be able to:
E101.1. The students will learn various types of verbal and non-verbal communication.
E101.2. They will understand the importance of interpersonal communication on workplaces and different ways of behaviour and communication.
E101.3. They will comprehend the importance of listening skills and its types. E101.4. They will be introduced to parts of speech and their role in language learning.
Contents of the Course:
Unit I: Theory and Types of Communication Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
Unit II: Workplace and Interpersonal Communication
Introducing Oneself, Introducing Others, Making Requests, Offering Help, Congratulating, Making Enquiries and Seeking Permission
Unit III: Importance of Listening Skills and their types
Barriers to Effective Listening and how to overcome them Note-taking Techniques to capture the main ideas
Unit IV: Parts of Speech
Suggested Readings:
Hargie, Owen. The Handbook of Communication Skills. Routledge, 2006.
Knapp, Mark L., et al. Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction. Cengage Learning, 2013.
West, Richard, and Lynn H. Turner. Understanding Interpersonal Communication: Making Choices in Changing Times. Cengage Learning, 2010.
Instructions to the Paper Setters:
- Question No 1 will be compulsory and have 7 questions based on all the four Units and the students will be required to write answers in 30
- Question No 2 and 3 will be set on Unit-I covering the entire Unit. Students will be required to attempt any
- Question No 4 and 5 will be set on Unit-II covering the entire Unit. Students will be required to attempt any
- Question No 6 and 7 will be set on Unit-III covering the entire Unit. Students will be required to attempt any
- Question No. 8 and 9 will be based on Unit-IV having 7 parts each covering the entire Students will be required to attempt any one of these questions.
Evaluation of Internal Assessment
Internal Assessment (Theory) will be based on the following components.
- Class Participation 4 Marks
- Seminar/Presentation/Assignments/
Quiz/Class Test etc. 4 Marks
- Mid-Term Exam 7 Marks Total 15 Marks