BCA-NEP-Examination-Scheme 1/1
Semester-1 8/8
Lecture 2.1B23-CAP-101 Problem Solving through CPreview
Lecture 2.2B23-CAP-102 Foundations of Computer SciencePreview
Lecture 2.3B23-CAP-103 Logical Organization of ComputerPreview
Lecture 2.4B23-CAP-104 Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science-IPreview
Lecture 2.5B23-BBA-MDC-102 Social Media MarketingPreview
Lecture 2.6B23-AEC-111 English Language and Communication Skills: Level 1Preview
Lecture 2.7B23-SEC-101 Office and spreadsheet Tools LearningPreview
Lecture 2.8B- VAC 101 Human Values and EthicsPreview
Semester-2 8/8
Lecture 3.1B23-CAP-201 Object Oriented Programming using C++Preview
Lecture 3.2B23-CAP-202 Introduction to Web TechnologiesPreview
Lecture 3.3B23-CAP-203 Concepts of Operating SystemsPreview
Lecture 3.4B23-CAP-204 Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science-IIPreview
Lecture 3.5B23-BBA-MDC-204 Entrepreneurship & Start-upsPreview
Lecture 3.6B23-SEC-207 Soft SkillsPreview
Lecture 3.7B23-VAC-201 Environmental StudiesPreview
Lecture 3.8B23-AEC-211 English Language and Communication Skills: Level 2Preview
Semester-3 7/7
Lecture 4.1B23-CAP-301 Java OOP FoundationsPreview
Lecture 4.2B23-CAP-302 Linux and Shell ProgrammingPreview
Lecture 4.3B23-CAP-303 Data Base TechnologiesPreview
Lecture 4.4B23-CAP-304 Basics of Data Science using ExcelPreview
Lecture 4.5B23-SEC-310 Communication in Professional LifePreview
Lecture 4.6B23-AEC-311 English Language and Communication Skills: Level 3Preview
Lecture 4.7B23-BBA-MDC-302 Fundamentals of InvestingPreview
Semester-4 4/4
Semester-5 3/3
Semester-6 6/6
BCA-NEP Semester-6 syllabus uploaded soon. This is the old syllabus of BCA.
Lecture 7.1BCA-361: Web Designing Using Advanced ToolsPreview
Lecture 7.2BCA-362: Operating System-IIPreview
Lecture 7.3BCA-363: Computer GraphicsPreview
Lecture 7.4BCA-364: Internet TechnologiesPreview
Lecture 7.5BCA-365: Advanced Programming with Visual BasicPreview
Lecture 7.6BCA-366: Programming in Core JavaPreview
BCA-361: Web Designing Using Advanced Tools
Maximum Marks: 100 External: 80
Minimum Pass Marks: 35 Internal: 20
Time: 3 hours
Note: Examiner will be required to set Nine Questions in all. First Question will be compulsory, consisting of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. In addition to that eight more questions will be set, two questions from each Unit. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. In addition to compulsory question, student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. All questions will carry equal marks.
Interactivity Tool – JavaScript: Introduction, Features, Data types, Operators, Statements, Functions, Event Handling, Use of Predefined Object and Methods, Frames, Windows, Tables, Images, Links Interactivity Tool – VBScript: Introduction, Features, Variables, Data Types, Numeric and Literal Constants, Arrays, Operators, Subroutine Procedures, Function Procedures, Control Statements, Strings, Message and Input Boxes, Date and Time, Event Handlers, Embedding VBScript in HTML
Interactivity Tool – Active Script Pages – Introduction, Features, Client-Server Model, Data Types, Decision Making Statements, Control statements, Use of Various Objects of ASP, Various Techniques of Connecting to Database
Other Interactivity Tools – Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Dreamweaver, PHP: Basic Introduction and Features
DHTML: Introduction, Features, Events, Dynamic Positioning, Layer Object, Properties of STYLE, Dynamic Styles, Inline Styles, Event Handlers; Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): Basic Concepts, Properties, Creating Style Sheets; Common Tasks with CSS: Text, Fonts, Margins, Links, Tables, Colors; Marquee; Mouseovers; Filters and Transitions; Adding Links; Adding Tables; Adding Forms; Adding Image and Sound; Use of CSS in HTML Documents Linking and Embedding of CSS in HTML Document
Microsoft FrontPage: Introduction, Features, Title Bar, Menu bar, FrontPage Tool Bar, Style, FontFace and Formatting Bar, Scroll Bars
XML: Introduction, Features, XML Support and Usage, Structure of XML Documents, Structures in XML, Creating Document Type Declarations, Flow Objects, Working with Text and Font, Color and Background Properties;
- Jon Duckett, “Beginning web programming with HTML, XHTML, CSS and JavaScript” –
Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
- Paul Wilton, “Beginning JavaScript” – Wiley India Ltd.
- Mitchell and Atikinson, “Active Sever Pages” – Techmedia Publishing
- Adrian Kingsley ,“VB Script Programming Reference” – Wiley India Ltd.
- Thomas Powell, “Web Design: The Complete Reference”, 4/e, /Tata McGraw-Hill
- Deitel and Goldberg, “Internet and World Wide Web”, How to Program,
- Raj Kamal, “Internet and Web Technologies”, Tata McGraw-
- Ramesh Bangia, “Multimedia and Web Technology”, Firewall
- Internet and Web Design, ITLESL Research and Development Wing, Macmillan
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