BCA-NEP-Examination-Scheme 1/1
Semester-1 8/8
Lecture 2.1B23-CAP-101 Problem Solving through CPreview
Lecture 2.2B23-CAP-102 Foundations of Computer SciencePreview
Lecture 2.3B23-CAP-103 Logical Organization of ComputerPreview
Lecture 2.4B23-CAP-104 Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science-IPreview
Lecture 2.5B23-BBA-MDC-102 Social Media MarketingPreview
Lecture 2.6B23-AEC-111 English Language and Communication Skills: Level 1Preview
Lecture 2.7B23-SEC-101 Office and spreadsheet Tools LearningPreview
Lecture 2.8B- VAC 101 Human Values and EthicsPreview
Semester-2 8/8
Lecture 3.1B23-CAP-201 Object Oriented Programming using C++Preview
Lecture 3.2B23-CAP-202 Introduction to Web TechnologiesPreview
Lecture 3.3B23-CAP-203 Concepts of Operating SystemsPreview
Lecture 3.4B23-CAP-204 Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science-IIPreview
Lecture 3.5B23-BBA-MDC-204 Entrepreneurship & Start-upsPreview
Lecture 3.6B23-SEC-207 Soft SkillsPreview
Lecture 3.7B23-VAC-201 Environmental StudiesPreview
Lecture 3.8B23-AEC-211 English Language and Communication Skills: Level 2Preview
Semester-3 7/7
Lecture 4.1B23-CAP-301 Java OOP FoundationsPreview
Lecture 4.2B23-CAP-302 Linux and Shell ProgrammingPreview
Lecture 4.3B23-CAP-303 Data Base TechnologiesPreview
Lecture 4.4B23-CAP-304 Basics of Data Science using ExcelPreview
Lecture 4.5B23-SEC-310 Communication in Professional LifePreview
Lecture 4.6B23-AEC-311 English Language and Communication Skills: Level 3Preview
Lecture 4.7B23-BBA-MDC-302 Fundamentals of InvestingPreview
Semester-4 4/4
Semester-5 3/3
Semester-6 6/6
BCA-NEP Semester-6 syllabus uploaded soon. This is the old syllabus of BCA.
Lecture 7.1BCA-361: Web Designing Using Advanced ToolsPreview
Lecture 7.2BCA-362: Operating System-IIPreview
Lecture 7.3BCA-363: Computer GraphicsPreview
Lecture 7.4BCA-364: Internet TechnologiesPreview
Lecture 7.5BCA-365: Advanced Programming with Visual BasicPreview
Lecture 7.6BCA-366: Programming in Core JavaPreview
BCA-365: Advanced Programming with Visual Basic
Maximum Marks: 100 External: 80
Minimum Pass Marks: 35 Internal: 20
Time: 3 hours
Note: Examiner will be required to set Nine Questions in all. First Question will be compulsory, consisting of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. In addition to that eight more questions will be set, two questions from each Unit. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. In addition to compulsory question, student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. All questions will carry equal marks.
Collections: Adding, Removing, Counting, Returning Items in a Collection, Processing a Collection; Working with Forms: Form Properties, Creating, Adding, Removing Forms in Project, Adding Multiple Forms, Managing Forms at Run Time, Hiding & Showing Forms, Load & Unload Statements, Drag and Drop Operation, Activate & Deactivate events, Form-load event, Example using Forms, Programs in VB using Forms
Working with Menu: Menu Designing in VB, Adding a Menu to a Form, Modifying and Deleting Menu Items, Adding Access Characters, Adding Shortcut Keys, Manipulating Menus using Common Dialog Box, Attaching Code to Events, Creating Submenus, Dynamic Menu Appearance
Advanced Controls in VB: Scroll Bar, Slider Control, Tree View, List View, Rich Text Box Control, Toolbar, Status Bar, Progress Bar, Cool bar, Image List
Program Development in VB using Menus and Advance Controls
File Handling & File Controls: Sequential & Random files, Opening and Closing Data Files, Viewing the Data in a File, Performing Operations on a File, Creating a Sequential Data File, Writing Data to a Sequential File, Reading the Data in a Sequential File, Finding the End of a Data File, Locating a File, Reading and Writing a Random File (get, put, LOF, seek).
Working with Graphics: Using Paint, Line, Circle, Manipulating Graphics Program Development in VB using Files and Graphics
Accessing Databases: Data Controls, Data-Bound Controls, DAO, RDO, ADO, Creating the Database, Setting Properties, Applying Operations on Database, Viewing the Database, Updating the Database (adding, deleting records)
Program Development in VB using Database and Advance Controls
- Steven Holzner, “Visual Basic 6 Programming: Black Book”, Dreamtech
- Evangelos “Mastering Visual Baisc 6”, BPB Publications.
- Julia Case Bradley & Anita C. Millspaugh, “Programming in Visual Basic 6.0”, Tata McGraw- Hill Edition
- Michael Halvorson, “Step by Step Microsoft Visual Basic 0 Professional”, PHI
- “Visual basic 6 Complete”, BPB
- Scott Warner, “Teach Yourself Visual basic 6”, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition
- Brian Siler and Jeff Spotts, “Using Visual Basic 6”, Special Edition,