B23-AEC-311 English Language and Communication Skills: Level 3
Nomenclature of the Course: English Language and Communication Skills: Level 3
Course Code: B23-AEC-311
Course Type: AEC-3
Level of the Course: 200-299
Credits: 2 (Theory 2) Total Marks: 50
End Term Exam Marks: 35
Internal Assessment Marks: 15
Time: 3 Hrs.
Workload: Theory 2 hours
Course Learning Outcomes
After the successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
E301.1. The students will understand the importance of close reading and
E301.2. They will learn the practical use of interview and presentation skills.
E301.3. They will enhance their vocabulary for better communication.
E301.4. They will be introduced to the correct use of articles and other parts of
Content of the Course:
Unit I: Cloze Reading and Comprehension
Summarizing and Paraphrasing
Unit II: Interview Skills, Seminar Skills, Presentation Skills
Data Interpretation – Bar Graph, Pie Chart, Tree Diagram
Unit III: Vocabulary: Homonyms, Homophones, Pair of words
Rearranging jumbled sentences
Unit IV: Common errors in the use of English
(Noun, Pronoun and Articles)
Suggested Readings:
Bienvenu, Sherron. The Presentation Skills Workshop: Helping People Create and Deliver
Great Presentations. Amacom Books, 2006.
Brians, Paul. Common Errors in English Usage. Franklin, Beedle & Associates, 2003.
McNamara, Danielle S. Reading Comprehension Strategies: Theories, Interventions, and
Technologies. Psychology P, 2007.
Instructions to the Paper Setters:
1. Question No 1 will be compulsory and will have 7 parts based on all the four Units
and the students will be required to attempt all the 7.
2. Question No 2 and 3 will be set on Unit-I covering the entire Unit. Students will be
required to attempt any one.
3. Question No 4 and 5 will be set on Unit-II covering the entire Unit. Students will be
required to attempt any one.
4. Question No 6 and 7 will be set on Unit-III covering the entire Unit. Students will be
required to attempt any one.
5. Question No. 8 and 9 will be based on Unit-IV having 7 parts each covering the entire
Unit. Students will be required to attempt any one of these
Evaluation of Internal Assessment
Internal Assessment (Theory) will be based on the following components.
i. Class Participation 4 Marks
ii. Seminar/Presentation/Assignments/
Quiz/Class Test etc. 4 Marks
iii. Mid-Term Exam 7 Marks
Total 15 Marks